Reflection about phonology
1. Spelling and symbols, organ of
speech, airstream mechanism (pronunciation practice).
2. Place of articulation.
3. Manner of articulation.
4. Vowels and diftongs.
5. Phonetic Features.
6. Minimal pairs and distinctive
features, phonemes, phones, allophones, complementary distribution, free
7. Phonetic rules of English.
8. Prosodic Suprasegmenal phonology
(pronunciation practice, noun, verbs).
9. Phonological rules.
10. Morphophonemics.
First, we learn about Sound,
spelling and symbols, organ of speech, airstream mechanism (pronunciation
practice). In this material it is explained about phonetics is the study of
speech sound and phonology is the study of sound patterns. Phonetic spelling is
the representation of vocal sounds which express pronunciations of words.
Phonetic symbols are used to represent. Sound is a vibration in air that
stimulate the nerves inside the ears to create the sensation of hearing. It has
44 English sound. Divided in two categories; a vowel is a speech sound made
with your mouth fairly open, the nucleus of a spoken syllable and consonant is
a sound made with your mouth fairly closed. (B, C, D, F, JK, M, P, Q, S, T, V,
X, Z). First group also explained about organ of speech. Organ of speech is the
various organs of our mouth we use to produce speech sounds. In this material
they also explained about airstream mechanism. Airstream mechanism is the
method by which airflow is created in the vocal tract.
Second, we learn about place of
articulation. In this material second group already explained about the place
of articulation is another way observe how sounds are articulated. Place of
articulation start from contact-vocal tract- active articulator-passive
articulator. Place of articulators have bilabial, labio dental, dental, velar,
alveolar, post alveolar, and glottal.
Third, we learn Manner of
articulation. In this material third group already explained The manner of
articulation is the way the airstream is affected as it flows from the lungs
and out of the mouth and nose. In manner of articulation have Stop/plosives, Nasal, Fricative, Affricates,
Approximant and Lateral.
we learn about Vowels
and diftongs. Vowel is a speech sound
produced without significant constriction of the air flowing through the mouth.
Vowels are produced with a relatively open vocal tract. Vowel sound can be
divided into sets in a number of different ways, in terms of Voicing, in term
of which part of the tongue is raised, distinguishing between front
vowels, central vowels and back vowels, in term of which part of the tongue is
raised, distinguishing between high vowels, mid vowels and low vowels, in terms
of whether or not the lips are rounded or unrounded, and in terms of length,
distinguishing between long vowels and short vowels. Diphthong is a vowel in
which there is a change in quality during a single syllable, as the English
word boy, buy and bow. Diphthongs can be analyzed as a sequence of two vowels
or as vowel glide.
Fifth, we learned about Phonetic
Features. Phonetic features are the parts of sound that can each be
independently controlled by the articulators. The type of phonetic features is major class
features, manner features, place features, and lariyngeal features.
Sixth, we learned about minimal
pairs and distinctive features, phonemes, phones, allophones, complementary
distribution, free variation. Minimal pair in english is a pair of words that
differs only in one sound. The two words of a minimal pair have a different meaning. Distinctive
features are the most basic unit of phonological structure that distinguishes
one sound from another within a language. For example, the feature [voice]
distinguishes the two bilabial plosives: [p] and [b]. The sixth group also
explained about phonemes are language-specific. In other words, phonemes that
are functionally distinct in English (for example, /b/ and /p/) may
not be so in another language. (Phonemes are customarily written between
slashes, thus /b/ and /p/.) Different languages have different phonemes.
Seventh, we learned about Phonetic
rules of English. Seventh group already explained about vowel sound and
consonant sound. Vowel sound have single vowels and vowel diagraphs.
vowels: a,e,i, o,u,sometimes y and Vowel diagraphs: a single vowel is always
long, the second silent: ai,ay,ea,ee,ei,ie,oa,oe,oo,ou,ow,ue,ui. Consonants sound have Single consonant: All of
the alphabet expect a,e,i,o,u. Consonant diagraphs: two consonants which
together make one consonant sound. Basic diagraphs: ch,sh,th,wh,ng,nk. Other
diagraphs: ck, ph, gh, wr, kn, gn, mn, mb. And blends: two or three consonants
said together, each keeping its own sound:
we learned about Prosodic
Suprasegmenal phonology (pronunciation practice, noun, verbs).
Ninth, we
learned about Phonological
rules. In this material ninth group already explain Speaker’s knowledge of the
language they use speech processes which happen naturally that can be
understood by both speakers and listeners and how speech sounds form pattern is
made. The types of Phonological rules are assimilation, dissimilation, insertion
and deletion. Assimilation is common
phonological process by which one sound becomes more like a nearby sounD. This
can occur either within a word or between words. Dissimilation is a rule in which a segment
becomes less similar to another segment. Insert a syllabic or non- syllabic
segment. Also known as Epenthesis. And deletion is removes a segment from certain
phonetic contexts.
Tenth, we
learned about Morphophonemics.
In this material they are explained Morphophonemics
is a study of the interaction between morphonological and phonetic
My feeling when I took
part in phonology lessons was that with this material, I was able to recognize
letters and sound them properly and correctly. I also feel happy when during
the teaching and learning process I can participate happily. I am also happy
and proud when I can answer or ask questions when my friends present Phonology
After I studied
Phonology, I wanted to apply the material I had learned in my own life. If in
my life's journey ahead and I decide to make a final project with this
material, then this material is the guide that I have.
That’s all my reflection about
phonology and thank you so much for this semester.
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